Sunday, May 24, 2009

Organic Meats are Healthy to Eat

The organic meat is made in accordance with definite production standards. Nowadays the use of non-organic insecticides, herbicides and pesticides is largely restricted. The production of organic food is becoming greatly a regulated industry. The processed organic contains only organic ingredients. People believe that organic meat is free from all the chemicals and is vital to good health. Organic meats are birthed also organically. The feed that is fed to the animals should be organic like the hay, grains and even pastures. Its approved by the naturopathic physicians that the organic meat is always better than the commercially available meat.

An organic meat is very cautiously scrutinized and it is also tested for the purpose of food safety. Animals which are organically grown are naturally healthy and do not get sick very often. The nutrient content in organic food is more than that in commercially produced meat like selenium which protects against heart diseases and also cancer is 390% more in organic meat.

Organic meats are grass-fed which will result in more content of the acid called the Conjugated Linoleic. It is said that it is a fatty acid in meats which reduces the bad less-density lipoprotein, which is cholesterol and also prevents cancers.

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